Friends, Queens, Trolls, Coochies, Photo's and more...

I would like to inform you that I'm very crabby today. Why does it matter and why should I be informing you? Because for the past two days it's taken all my strength not to strike out like a cobra after moving prey at anyone and everything around me. I ran out of my medicine, I have had no hot water for the past 4 days which means no showers or shaving for a week. Can you say Ewww? I have been taking 'wash cloth' baths, but they do nothing for shaving. So Prince Charming has been romancing a hedge hog for the past 4 days. And, to top all that off my 'friend' has been here for 8 days. EIGHT DAYS. Except she's here one day and not the next. And then she's there in the morning but not at night. Then she's there at 1 a.m. demanding attention and gone by 6a.m. when I get up. I haven't had a visit this long (or annoying, or emotional, or bloated or irrational) since before I was preggers with Bean almost 3 years ago. Oh, and I have 5 kids this weekend. FIVE.

Yes. Apparently I am crazy and trying to get myself admitted somewhere. So, because you have already had to listen to me whine and moan this morning and are probably thinking, 'Why do I even bother coming here?' I decided I had best shut up and send you to more fun and happy places on a Friday.

Here's a list of places to go today that will make this trip worthwhile :

  • Did you feel it? The difference in the air last night? The change in the good ol' USA's atmosphere? The Troll Baby landed on US soil and is currently in a royal audience with the Queen of Spain! May the Lord Help Us!! ;-)

  • Ever Wondered if a Brazilian Wax is Painful? Do This by then and reach $10,000 and she will video her face while doing that! Did I confuse you yet? At least spread the word, mmmk?

  • Go to my other blog and Meet our newest and VERY funny friend. You Will laugh. I DARE you not too!

  • Want to see some great photo's? Go here (the new site launched today) to meet my photographer and see some of her amazing work!

  • Please share your favorite blogs (or website). I don't care what the topic or by who. I just want to 'expand' my horizons a bit and would love for you to leave me a new link in the comments.

I have FIVE kids this weekend remember? And a little league game. And two sets of baseball photo's. So please, send some good stuff (and maybe chocolate?!) my way!


Anonymous said...

Hopefully your day has gotten better, and I can't wait to see what you put down for the meme.

Anonymous said...

Oh crap I also meant to write that those pictures where precious. I wish I lived near there to have her take our pics.

Anonymous said...

Jesse - It's such a fun meme! And thank you for the compliment about the pictures :-) I LOVE them!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I love yours too! I hope you'll come back to mine and keep commenting. I hope it gets better for the very least I hope you get your hot water back!

Anonymous said...

Tracy - Thank you :-) Actually, Prince Charming finally got it running again a few hours ago. One hour 'till kiddie bed time and I'm hitting the showers **doing happy dance**

Sassy said...

OMG your FRIEND was here for 8 days? And no shaving? No hot water? That would spell mental hospital for me. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Sassy - Yes, it pretty much did. I was very crabby and prickly and couldn't seem to get enough food in me. So then I felt like a huge big icky slob.

We finally got water back on Saturday night and I took an hour long shower. LOL. It felt SOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD!!!