The trouble with Knitting...

I've decided to learn to knit. I've always wanted to, and I've been told that as a kid I knew how. I did have a brief stint with crochet while preggers with Alex, but that was also short lived.

Why knitting?

Because yesterday (while getting a fabulous hair cut) I was looking through this catalog and saw these:

I knew immediately that Liberty needed those this winter:

#1. Because I like her to be all hip like that
#2. Because they are beyond freaking adorable
#3. Because they go outside unless it's 10 deg. or below, and with these she can still wear tights and skirts.

Then her and her (both also getting a fabulous hair cut) suggested that I learn to knit, because they have both started knitting recently. Plus $18 for a pair of leg warmers seemed a little much to me.

I have yarn. I have the needles. I have the book with beginner instructions and how to's. And I'm confused as all heck.

Web design, scrap booking, nature photography, writing, baking and cooking? Now those are my hobbies. I am not so good at the sewing thing.

Want proof?

I can't knit all afternoon like I planned. Why? Because I have to wait for Prince Charming to get home from work to show me how.
Yes. It's okay. Laugh. Very Very loud. And then please send large bottles of vodka wish me luck.

Thanks to Roz's great link, I have successfully mastered the cast on, knit, and purl.


Thus my self respect has been preserved. I love my Prince Charming and he's a great catch (thus..the Prince Charming title) but learning to knit from your hubby? Not so high on the cool factor.

Roz: I love you! I love you! I love you!


Tracy Rambles On And On said...

Oh my, hang on a sec...whooo, I'm laughing so hard it hurts. Maybe you should just save yourself the stress of learning and have Prince Charming just knit them for you. If my hubby could knit, don't think he wouldn't be for me!
I know how to knit but I can't follow patterns so the only things I knit are scarves. I have like twenty scarves of varying lengths and one Christmas everyone got scarves, including my father in law!
Good luck and drink lots of vodka, I mean think lots of happy thoughts!

Roz said...

knitting is SO. HARD. to learn.

i found the videos on this website to be really really helpful and you can watch it over and over again.

Just keep trying!

Anonymous said...

Tracy - *sticking tongue out* Just kidding :-) And If I could even get a scarf out I'd be happy! LOL.

Roz - Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Tracy - P.s. I can't French braid either...and Prince Charming can. Women always go crazy about that fact and I have to beat them away with a stick. LOL. At least I can use knitting needles now :-D

Anonymous said...

Roz - P.S. I just checked out the site. I LOVE YOU! LOL

Bee said...
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Bee said...

let's try again

You know what I do when I want a scarf cuz I'm not very good with my hands, other than to strangle people with, I buy one at Bloomie's :o)

My favorite color is blood red in case you'd like to make me a scarf.
Then I'll have TWO...

Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Bee - LOL! I'm so gonna make you one now :-) Thank you :-)

Anonymous said...

I can crochet although I'm not great and knitting well looks a little confusing. I would like to quilt but as of now no time. Oh and I don't know how to french braid either but neither does David.

Brandie said...

ROFL! =)
Glad Roz passed that link on to you ... as I was reading I thought that was the site you needed to go and visit!

Sassy said...

Whew. I thought I was going to have to learn to knit. Thank goodness you're going to attempt it, that way you can just knit my daughter some cute stuff and send it to me. How thoughtful of you! I'm so excited now! Wait, did I take my medication today?

Jen said...

I'm so proud of you! You know I love to knit, so this is great that you're knitting now too!


Mrs. Jo said...

I want to learn tooooo! Actually I believe that I tried to learn as a young girl and my grams told me that I have two left hands. LOL! Well...I have never really been very good at the crafty stuff. I believe that my sister got all of those genes. Ugh..well...if there is a brave soul out there (and boy do I mean brave) I would love to learn...even though in the past I have made fun of people for doing it..I take it back now ;)

twetyz1 said...

I soooooo want to see the finished product!! Because I am sure that I will need a good laugh that day. (giggle giggle) You know I love you right?!